Plett POLO
Usually we work. Sometimes we play.
Polo is as much in our blood as farming is. Perhaps because both need discipline, grit and patience. And because what you get out of them comes from what you put in.
Whether it’s representing South Africa, training world-class ponies or as the official wine supplier to the Plett Polo International, we love the sport, and we spend a lot of time enjoying it.
We also love that other Plett polo players and their families spend a lot of time at Newstead. Polo groups often come to our farm for lunches after practices and games. And our polo evening every April – a sunset picnic in the vineyards – is keenly anticipated and fondly remembered.
Far from being pretentious, polo is always about fun, family and informality. It is, and always has been, a big part of our life.

If you have questions, queries, comments or just want to drop us a line, we’d love to hear from you. Better yet, visit us in person so we can meet you.
Opening hours:
Wednesday to Sunday, 11am – 4pm.
Wine sales Monday and Tuesday by arrangement.
+ (27) 076 300 9740
Newstead Wine Estate
Redford Road, The Crags, Plettenberg Bay